101417+ Completed Tenders
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Last Updated : 26/03/2025 08:22

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For full access to tender details and contacts

Compliance Support

We will happily assist with Tender Compliance. Please indicate which service/s below you require and we will assist.

Company Registration
Public Officer Appointment
Tax Clearance
BEE Affidavit

Contact us on:

Call Center
021 595 4433

060 070 2089

Frequently Asked Questions

We scan a wide range of mostly Government websites for available tender information which is then indexed and compiled into a user-friendly format for your benefit. The information is indexed by province and industry type to simplify the online search process.

You can also search the database using keywords such as cleaning or security or even the tender number. This service is completely FREE, and you can search as often as you like to see all the available tenders. To view the contact details and receive the tender documentation you would need to subscribe to the notification service. This negates the need to continuously search the database for tenders matching your criteria. The notification service also delivers the tenders directly into your inbox as soon as they become available.

We update on a daily basis

Our subscriptions run for a month and can be cancelled at any time

Our fee structure is for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. The monthly fee is R150 pm (Including VAT) while the 3, 6 and 12 month payment options are R650, R1100 and R2100 respectively. Payments can be made via EFT or credit cards, but we recommend a monthly debit order as it is discounted and hassle free.

If you are using a Gmail account, check your Junk folder. Once you have located the emails open each one click ‘not spam’ or mark them as ‘safe’. For all other email domains you will need to contact your hosting provider or open your emails in your browser and mark as safe or unblock tenders@swiftreg.co.za

All government tenders require registration with CSD (Central Supplier Database) for which you will need a registered company, a tax clearance certificate and a BEE affidavit. SwiftReg can assist you with all of these registrations plus a host of other supporting service.

These abbreviations are all terms used by government for tender purposes.
RFI – Request for Information
RFQ – Request for Quotation
RFP – Request for Proposal

Each tender will have its own unique evaluation criteria but all of them will require 2 basic criteria; compliance – which is all of your registrations and paperwork should be up to date and your track record which is proof of your experience and ability to do the job. Tenders are also evaluated on a preferential points system based on your bid price, B-BBEE status and the value of the tender. For tenders valued under R50m the 80/20 ratio applies and tenders valued over R50m the 90/10 ratio applies.

All tenders are evaluated on a points system. The bid with the most points out of 100 wins the bid. Depending on the value of the tender either 80 or 90 points are allocated towards evaluating the price of the bid using the formula below where the lowest price receives the most points:
• Tenders valued less than R50m:
Points for your bid price = 80 x (1 - ((Your price - lowest acceptable bid)/lowest acceptable bid))
• Tenders valued more than R50m:
Points for your bid price = 90 x (1 - ((Your price - lowest acceptable bid)/lowest acceptable bid))

Depending on the value of the tender a maximum of either 10 or 20 points are allocated towards evaluating the B-BBEE status of the company. The higher the B-BBEE level the more points are awarded using the table below. For example, a level 1 contributor will receive all 20 points while a level 4 contributor will receive 12 of the possible 20 points using the 80/20 system.

B-BBEE Status level of Contributor Number of Points (90/10 System) Number of Points (80/20 System)
1 10 20
2 9 18
3 6 14
4 5 12
5 4 8
6 3 6
7 2 4
8 1 2
Non Compliant Contributor 0 0

This is used for tenders valued between R30,000 and R50 million and refers to the fact that 80 of the 100 points are allocated to the price of the bid (the lowest price gets the most points) , and the remaining 20 points are allocated depending on the B-BBEE status of the company (see previous question). The 2 scores are added together and the bid with the most points is awarded the tender.

This is used for tenders valued between over R50 million and refers to the fact that 90 of the 100 points are allocated to the price of the bid (the lowest price gets the most points), and the remaining 10 points are allocated depending on the B-BBEE status of the company. The 2 scores are added together and the bid with the most points is awarded the tender.

It is easy to confuse these 2 concepts.
The B-BBEE points system is used for tender evaluation; so is compared with other entities bidding for the same tenders but the B-BBEE procurement recognition percentage is used to determine a company’s overall B-BBEE rating and is used for the procuring enterprise to claim percentage recognition on their procurement targets.

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