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Pty Registration - from R490 Most common type of company in South Africa. If you want to register your company in South Africa this is what you would choose. This is a private for profit company with Directors and Shareholders
NPC Registration - from R Not for profit company - mostly for NGOs and charitable organisations
Incorporation - R Personal liability company specifically for professions such as doctors, lawyers, accountants etc.
Cooperative Registration - R Co-operatives are a group of business people who join together on a common aim.
Directors and Shareholders - from R Directors run the company, Shareholders own the company.
Registered Address Change - from R The company requires a valid physical address
Financial Year End Change - R The month end when company's tax affairs are closed off
MOI Change - R Memorandum of Incorporation - the rules by which the company is run
Print Share Certificates - R Proof of ownership of shares in a company
CC Changes - From R Make changes to your Close Corporation from Company name, Registered Address and many more
Company Conversions - R Change your company type from one to another – eg. CC to (Pty) Ltd.

BEE - R A BEE affidavit, is a sworn legal document that proves your BEE status. Frequently required for those who intend to win tenders, or supply companies with products, who also tender.
Public Officer Appointment-R Registration for the company's representative at SARS
Import and Export Licence - R Registration for the permit required to import and export goods into and out of South Africa
Tax Clearance - R Certification that the company's tax affairs are up to date
VAT Registration - R Companies register for VAT out of compulsion or voluntarily. To register you will need to be in business for a while and have a bank account.
SDL Registration - R Registration for employee training tax
PAYE/UIF Registration - R Registration for employee tax which the employer is required to pay over to SARS
Annual Returns - R + CIPC Cost The annual levy payable to CIPC to keep the company's registration current
Company Restoration - R Restoration of a company in a deregistered state, often as a result of non payment of annual returns.
Other CIPC Services
Trademarks - R Protect your brand and logo from theft or misuse by registrering it as a Trademark.
Company Name Only - R Register your company name only.
Share Certificate Printing - R Do you need shares for your company, to show to the bank. Use this service to print your share certificates.
Other General Services
Websites/Email/Logo Website designed for you with our inhouse specialists. Swift Cyber Studio specialises in providing a top level web design service, with emails on our secure server.
Business Plans Have a Business plan created for you, acceptable to the banks.
Industry Registrations
CIDB - R Registration required for all public construction tenders
CSD - R Compulsory requirement for all government and many private sector tenders
NHBRC - R Registration for all home builders
PSIRA - R Registration with the industry regulator

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