Trademark Registration

What you need to know

A trademark gives a brand or logo legal protection from anyone trying to copy it. 

Good to know

Each class is a separate application and has a separate filing fee. 

Price :  From R1800
How long does it take?   10 Days to Receipt

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021 595 4433

060 070 2089

Frequently Asked Questions

A trademark gives your brand or logo legal protection from anyone trying to copy it. 
Trademark protection is only valid in the country where the trademark is registered. Therefore to have a worldwide trademark you would need to register your trademark in each country. This can be very costly. Trademarks registered with CIPC are only protected in South Africa.
There are a number of different types of Trademarks for example trademarks for shapes or sounds, but word marks and logo’s are by far the most popular.
You can’t trademark a national flag nor any national symbols such as Table Mountain.
No, it is best to avoid words like biggest, best or fastest. Also don’t use common words like cheese, or 24 hours.
All goods and services are divided into 45 different categories called classes. It is essential to register your Trademark in the correct class or classes as the protection is limited to the specific class in which it is registered. Each class is a separate application and has a separate filing fee. 
Yes, each class is a separate application and therefore a separate filing fee. For example class 25 is clothing, footwear and headgear.  
As soon as you have received your filing receipt from CIPC you are legally allowed to use the abbreviation TM. This usually takes about a week and shows that your application is in process. 
Only once you have received you trademark certificate can you start using the R symbol. This shows that you have a registered trademark. This process can take up to 18 months however your protection will be backdated until to the initial filing date.   
Your trademark only receives its protection on final registration, however the date is then backdated to the original filing date. 
A trademark last for 10 Years after which you can renew it.
Yes, a trademark is an asset which you can sell.
Copyright, Patents and Trademarks are all Intellectual property. Copyright refers to artistic works such as books or photographs and does not need to be registered. While patents refer to inventions and must be registered.
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