Tender R2250

This package includes:
Pty Registration
Why do you need it
This is the starting point of the entity that you are registering for your business
When do we do it
We do this first and start immediately once you have submitted your company name choices and completed the details for your company registration, which you complete online once payment has been made
BEE Affidavit
Why do you need it
This is the document which verifies your B-BBEE status which is often a requirement for businesses and tenders
When do we do it
This is done as soon as your company registration is completed.
Tax Clearance
Why do you need it
This document verifies that your company is tax complaint and is issued by SARS. This is also often a requirement for many big corporates and tenders. For new companies is it a very straight forward process.
When do we do it
This is done as soon as your company registration is completed
CSD Registration
Why do you need it
If you wish to tender on any government business you are required to be registered with the Central Supplier Database. The database verifies your company information so that when you do submit a tender, there is no need to validate your credentials.
When do we do it
This is done as soon as your company registration is completed and your company bank account is open.
Public Officer
Why do you need it
All tax clearance certificates require a public officer
When do we do it
Immediately after registration.
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